Winner CamperStories September 2017

As we suspected, deciding who is to win the September 2017 CamperStories winner would be a very hard task.  23 stories to read, enjoy and contemplate over. Since guidelines for the judge panel are hard to set (and boring), every month brings new stories, with wonderful pictures, amazing videos and also what seems to work on the panel, a new angle. A new way to present your narrative, to showcase your camper trip in Iceland. Without doing the research, it seems like we have always been partial to detailed travel descriptions followed with great shots and/or video and, not to forget, excellent writing.

This time is was the literary style that won us over, together with pictures underlining the spirit of the writing. Many of you have that gift and shared it so generously with us but there can only be one winner who will receive a full refund of their camper rental fees (up to 7 days).

So, the winner of the 2017 September CamperStories competition is….

…..drum roll…

…..drum roll…

…is Henrik Lindholm with is very eloquently written story

Back to Iceland

The CamperStories winner of September 2017   The winner of CamperStories September 2017

Congratulations Henrik. We loved your story and all agreed, after extensive deliberations, the tone of your travel story was the winning feature. Added to that, your photos reflected the writings so well. A job well done.   We want to thank all the contestants who took part in the September competition. We are so happy with all your stories.

Next time the judges meet, we will have an even harder time to decide who will be the October winner for not only do we have 33 stories to choose from, there are some stories with a totally new angle, some absolutely stunning pictures and videos to accompany the stories and with more excellent writing.

Stay tuned!

Read more: Winner CamperStories August 2017

Happy Camping!  #CamperStories review

Iceland Travel Guides

CamperStories Travel guide videos Iceland Travel Guides

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