Winner CamperStories November 2017

November last year had a truckload of wonderful CamperStories. More or less all of them very ambitious followed by stunning pictures and a few videos too. Many stories inspires, others educate while others make you smile or laugh. As it is very difficult to have guidelines for the judges except the minimum requirement of a thousand words and/or 5 videos. You follow those rules and write decent English, you have the chance of winning a full refund (up to 7 days) of your camper rental.

So who is the winner for November 2017?  As usual, it required an effort to find who would win as we all judge from our personal point of view which changes all the time. After much deliberation we could agree on one story that made us all feel like we were there, we felt their experience through their text & photos. It’s our honor to present the winner of the November 2017 competition and the winner is…..



The winner is Christina Smedegaard Jensen with her wonderful contribution:

Ring road trip in beautiful fall colors

A big congratulations to a story we all felt we took with you guys. It was great to follow you all around the country and it seems like you went everywhere. A trip, a journey, a story so well done. Congratulations again!

Within short, we will announce the December winner too and when that is done, we have the first winner for 2018 to choose. That one is a bit special since our social media guy was on the other side of the world, hardly any stories was posted in January, none in February so we need to make one winner of those three months.

Read more: Winner CamperStories October 2017

Happy Camping!  #CamperStories review

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