Winner CamperStories Jan-Feb 2017

January and February were meager months when it came to CamperStories. We did receive high quality ones but they were not many stories at all. January gave us 4 beautiful stories and February equally lovely but only three of them compared to an average of maybe 20 a month or more so management had to put these two months together to choose one winner. As usually it is very hard to do that for you all put so much love and effort in your stories, come up with different angles to tell your story.

Many of you take time to edit videos, spend time taking mind blowing photos, others reflect on how the beauty, the solitude of Iceland affects the mind, the soul, other takes a wittier approach, all ways ending up in beautiful stories you share so generously.

So again, despite only having very few stories to choose from, it was still very hard to decide who will win. After talks and comparisons and so on, we finally decided who would win and it is our honor to announce that the winner for January/February 2017 winner is….

……drum roll…..

……drum roll…..

……drum roll…..

And the winner is Sarah Peacock and her partner Ryan’s blog:

An Icelandic road trip in January

Their CamperStories entry is full of wonderful pictures, a lovely story anyone would enjoy and, last but in no way the least, Sarah Peacock wrote a tune for the occasion which we thought brought their entry to a new level. So a big congratulations to Sarah and Ryan. Well done indeed and let’s hope we will see you in Iceland once more! 🙂

Sarah Peacock – The Iceland song

Sarah Peacock and Ryan

Sarah & Ryan

March is next up and we have gotten some remarkable stories there. Now, the question is, who will bring the competition to the next level and WHAT could that be? An animated cartoon? A musical? lol We can’t wait to see what will come. Thanks again for all your wonderful stories. The future looks so exciting!!

Read more: CamperStories Winner December 2016

Safe travels!  #CamperStories review

Iceland Travel Guides

Black sand beaches Travel Guide Hot Springs Travel Guide

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