My Four-Day Adventure in Iceland

By Danilo Bertocchi

Camperstories Winner May 2024

At the end of May, I finally embarked on a trip I had been dreaming about for years: exploring the stunning landscapes of Iceland. Coming from a bustling city, I longed for nature’s untouched beauty and tranquility, and Iceland promised exactly that.

With just four days to experience as much as possible, I rented a Dacia Duster 4×4 car with a rooftop tent from, which would allow me to explore the country at my own pace and camp in some of its most beautiful spots.

Day 1: The Golden Circle and Skógafoss
My adventure began with the famous Golden Circle route, which includes Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir geothermal area, and Gullfoss waterfall.
The day started off rough with relentless rain, but I reminded myself that this was all part of the Icelandic experience. Despite the weather, my spirits were high, and I was eager to see what this magical country had to offer.

Thingvellir National Park was my first stop. Walking between North America’s and Eurasia’s tectonic plates was awe-inspiring, and the rain added a mystical quality to the landscape. Next, I visited the Geysir geothermal area, where the famous Strokkur geyser erupts every few minutes. Watching the powerful bursts of hot water shoot up into the air was thrilling, even in the pouring rain.

Gullfoss, the Golden Waterfall, was my final stop on the Golden Circle. The sight of the massive, cascading falls was mesmerizing, and the raw power of the water left me speechless. I stood there, drenched but exhilarated, feeling deeply connected to nature.

As evening approached, I made my way to Skógafoss, one of Iceland’s most iconic waterfalls. The rain finally let up as I arrived at the campsite, and I set up my tent with a perfect view of the waterfall. The sound of the water crashing down was soothing, and I fell asleep feeling both exhausted and fulfilled.

Day 2: Glaciers and Wildlife
The next morning, I woke up to clear skies and a renewed sense of excitement.
I set off towards the south coast to see one of Iceland’s glaciers. The drive was breathtaking, with rugged landscapes and vast open spaces stretching out before me. Arriving at the glacier, I was struck by its immense size and the brilliant blue hues of the ice.

While exploring the glacier, I spotted a seal swimming in the nearby waters. Watching the seal glide gracefully through the water was a magical experience and a highlight of my trip.

The combination of the glacier’s beauty and the unexpected wildlife encounter made for an unforgettable day.

Day 3: Hiking at Stafafell
After two days of driving and sightseeing, I decided to spend my third-day hiking. I drove to Stafafell, navigating off-road for about ten minutes before reaching the starting point of my hike. The weather was perfect for hiking, with clear skies and a cool breeze.

The hike was challenging, with a four-hour walk and a 500-meter elevation gain, but it was worth every step. The trail led me to a small, serene lake and offered stunning views of the surrounding landscape. As I neared the top of the mountain, the wind became incredibly strong, but the panoramic views made it all worthwhile. The sense of accomplishment and the beauty of nature made this one of the most rewarding experiences of my trip.

Day 4: Stokksnes and Hot Springs
On my fourth day, I began the journey back to Reykjavik, as my flight was scheduled for the next day. Along the way, I made several stops to take in more of Iceland’s natural wonders. My first stop was Stokksnes, a place I had been looking forward to seeing. The black sand beaches and dramatic landscape were breathtaking, and the strong winds created mesmerizing patterns in the sand.

Continuing my journey, I made a stop at the Reykjadalur Hot Spring Thermal River. After days of exploring and hiking, the hot springs were a welcome and relaxing treat. The hot water flowing down the river was incredibly soothing, and it felt like a hidden paradise. The fact that it was free only added to the charm, and I highly recommend this spot to anyone visiting Iceland.

Reflections on My Journey
As my time in Iceland came to an end, I reflected on the incredible experiences I had over the past four days. From the powerful waterfalls and majestic glaciers to the challenging hikes and relaxing hot springs, every moment was filled with wonder and adventure. The 4×4 rental with a rooftop tent had been a perfect choice, allowing me the freedom to explore off-the-beaten paths and camp in some of the most beautiful locations imaginable.

Despite the short duration of my trip, I felt like I had truly experienced the essence of Iceland. The natural beauty, the sense of adventure, and the unforgettable moments made this trip one of the best experiences of my life. I knew as I headed to the airport that this would not be my last visit to Iceland. There was still so much more to see and do, and I couldn’t wait to return.

Thank you,, for providing the perfect vehicle for my journey and for making my Icelandic adventure truly unforgettable. I can’t wait to come back and explore even more of this incredible country.

Happy Camping! 

#CamperStories #VANcation


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