Popular destinations in Iceland

How to camp in IcelandDue to the increase of tourism here, you should be aware of the most popular places people go. The big masses travels to famous spots such as the Blue lagoon, Geysir & Gullfoss in tour buses. You should take advantage of the luxury to be traveling in your own camper rental and visit these places when the bus tours are not so you can have the place less congested with other tourists. If you go really early or very late during the day, you have a higher chance to avoid the bigger crowds. Also, a good rule is, the further away you get from Reykjavik, the less people you will encounter. There are of course places where you can’t avoid the crowds like Jökulsárlón, Vatnajökull, the big tourist names up north such as Mývatn, Dettifoss and Ásbyrgi.

The Westfjords, although stunning and magnificent, still remains a place of wonderful solitude. There are tourists up there too but most of them are the outdoor type and won’t come in big buses.

Read more: 10 “not to do” in Iceland

For you who are traveling by yourself, doing a self-drive tour as some people call it, you will still experience empty roads, vast landscapes with nobody in sight. You will be in places where yo just stare in awe and you might even wonder what everybody is talking about when they talk about the huge increase of tourism for Iceland will remain a big island with room for so many more.

Camping in IcelandDriving around Iceland in a camper is growing all the time and unfortunately, complaints about camper van visitors are also increasing. To be honest, it seems like our customers are behaving well for we haven’t seen any pictures in media here where people are camping in parking lots, private properties, going behind bushes to relief themselves and so on. It’s very simple really. Behave as you are at home or as you are, a guest in Iceland. Do not camp wherever. Make sure you know what you may or may not do while camping.

Read more: Where you may camp your camper van

As mentioned before, the further away you get from Reykjavik, the bigger likelihood you will find solitude. There are enough camping places all over Iceland to choose from and why go where everybody else are going? You have the freedom to go anywhere you want. Use that possibility!

Happy camping!  #WohoCamper

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Theodor Palsson

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